
Double dragon cartoon transformation
Double dragon cartoon transformation


Just like how River City Ransom paved way for Double Dragon, which in turn paved way for Final Fight, and then Final Fight paved way for Streets of Rage. The franchise would find success to the point that Battletoads and Double Dragon would eventually be a team up game for the Super Nintendo. If in the event you pause the game, prepare to jam to a really have beat. And there are levels where you race in a floating motorcycle so you get a lot of variety in this game. In addition to being your standard platform beat ‘em up, you go down holes attached to ropes and can transform the character into a wrecking ball to instantly take out enemies. What makes this game distinct is that when you do stringing combos against enemies, final blows can sometimes be instances where the character’s hands can grow to cartoonish sizes to squish them. So if you want something challenging, this might be the game you’re looking for. While the game has been praised for its unique gameplay and design, it still maintains notoriety for its demanding difficulty (to the point that future releases on other consoles had to be toned down!). While Pimple and a space princess are out on a ride, the Dark Queen uses this as an opportunity to kidnap them, and it’s up to Rash and Zitz to save the day. What do you get when you mix Double Dagon, Ninja Turtles, and outer space adventures? Then you get the classic hit, Battletoads! Our three titular characters are the grossly named Rash, Zitz, and Pimple. This is simply a game that you have to play to believe.


Like Scott Pilgrim, its graphics play great homage to the great 16-bit era and its soundtrack is reminiscent of the synthesizers that were heavily used in the 1980s music and movie soundtracks. To make things whackier, you have to use a drug called necro to stay alive! It has a crazy grappling system where you can paralyze your enemies with backbreaking, or you can uppercut the heads of your opponents. Just like how Rocky’s Russian opponent used steroids in Rocky IV, this game is literally Double Dragon on steroids! While its foundation takes influence from the classics, it has many distinctions of its own that all players can enjoy. Now you can relive 1980’s Soviet Russia through Mother Russia Bleeds, which serves as a homage to Double Dragon and other old school beat ‘em ups. While Russia has been a controversy due to the election of Donald Trump and election ad scandal on Facebook, it was a much scarier threat under Communist rule during the Cold War.

double dragon cartoon transformation

While the game is appropriately more cartoony in comparison to Double Dragon, the various enemies and boss battles are enough to give players the same thrills. And just like in Double Dragon (and the movie and comic), you fight through the city to get the girl.

double dragon cartoon transformation

As you collect money, you can enter cafes and/or Japanese restaurants to replenish your health.

double dragon cartoon transformation

The gameplay is pretty much the same as any other beat ‘em up by just punching, kicking, and other foreign objects. The graphics and soundtrack have this 16-bit feel to compliment both the movie and comic.

double dragon cartoon transformation

In this game, you exclusively play as the titular Scott Pilgrim and fight in his hometown in a suburban Canada. If you have seen the movie or read the comic, then you know it is a homage to the retro pop culture and this game is an embracement and extension of that spirit.


While some of you readers are likely familiar with the movie, this release takes influence from the original comic series in context to its art style, but still, follows the same plot. So what are some games that measure up to Double Dragon? Read our list to find out! This game also allows you to use weapons such as bats, whips, knives, dynamite and even barrels!!! After its release, the beat ‘em up genre progressively expanded that shared many of Double Dragon’s base qualities but also developing some of their own distinct features to make itself stand out. However, the reverse is true when fighting the enemy. The controls are pretty basic, you have jump, punch, and kick, and in co-op mode, you can even do basic double teams where you grab one guy and your partner can throw in some cheap shots. Marian, the girlfriend of Billy, gets kidnapped and Billy and his brother Jimmy must go off and save her from the Black Warriors, a local gang of brutish thugs. The plot of Double Dragon would popularize the formula for the beat ‘em up genre. Then in reverse, Jimmy and Billy Lee (the Lee name is an intended homage to martial arts legend Bruce Lee) would serve as the inspiration for the main characters of River City Ransom, the North American version of the third Kunio-kun game. The 8-bit classic Double Dragon is the technological successor to Technos’ and Yoshihisa Kishimoto’s previous hit franchise, Kunio-kun.

Double dragon cartoon transformation